The wireless security megaprimer, and a new home for my ramblings

TLDR: looks like nice series of videos on wireless security

Now, a bit of explanation what is this location and what does this all mean. I've originally moved the majority of my "geek"/"for later reuse" stuff to Twitter from Facebook because I am tired of Facebook's dances around the privacy, and I might as well make it "open for all" in a deterministic way.

There was a second motive: when I post something, frequently it is something that I plan to refer back to at a later time. Facebook platform proved to be tricky in that regard - it's easy to write, it's not easy to find back what you had written a month ago. Twitter, after a half a year experience, proved to be also tricky to use in that regard.

This is my experiment of going back to basics - plain old HTML.

Most of the servers have "directory listing" mode - and sometimes (like in case with lighttpd), a few tricks to make it prettier than the "black and white" default theme. I've lifted the theme from for now (hope this works as an acknowledgement). This does not make this site pretty, but it does the job. And it's easy to store the stuff within a single note/blogpost.

Index of /blog/2013-07-25-Wireless-Security-MegaPrimer/

NameLast ModifiedSizeType
Parent Directory/ -  Directory